The Sensory Explorer Show: 6 episodes available now!
Did you know there are 6 episodes of the sensory explorer show available now! You can download an explorer guide and sense-o-meter for...

Toy Tuesday: Fort Sticks (and the magic of fort building in general)
Forts are very magical spaces that afford the opportunity for play, social-emotional practice, and creativity. Forts are best built by...
Adding Movement Breaks in Your School Day
As a school OT I strive to integrate movement into my student's school day. I like to find simple, sustainable ways to encourage...

Toy Tuesday: Spot It
Spot It is one of those super fun, super simple, subtly genius games that offers many opportunities for sustainable play. While one deck...

The Running Club: Early Morning Movement for School Success
This Monday marks the 5th year of my school wide movement initiative: The Running Club! The Running Club is an early morning exercise...

Toy Tuesday: Design and Drill
I love using Design and Drill because it is a game that targets many different areas, supports the idea of sustainable play, and is fun!...

New Sensory Explorer Episode: Eye-Spy!
Eye Spy Bottle is a great way to work on attention and visual perceptual processing! It's easy to make your own and play along at home!